End of the 2019-2020 School Year Wrap-Up During these Extraordinary Times

What our team has learned and experienced so far in 2020…

Though the beginning of our 2019-2020 school year started off strong, 2020 has already been quite the year and it’s already June.


Back in March, maybe you were thinking, It’s only March and this is how the year is going?!” To be honest, a part of me was in disbelief as well. The year 2020 will be known for many reasons, one of which here at TPSMTS, will be the year that we had changes we never would have anticipated!


We moved to Telehealth

Our music therapy sessions and music lessons have thrived for 13 years as in-person, in-studio or in-home sessions/lessons and for the first time ever, and now offered on a regular basis, we moved to Telehealth (online). If you have not heard of Telehealth yet, it is “the provision of healthcare remotely by means of telecommunications technology” (SOURCE).


In March, we immediately shifted all of our lessons/sessions to Telehealth. If you want to read more about that experience, you can read our previous blogs HERE and HERE.

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Six Takeaways from Telehealth Music Lessons/Music Therapy Sessions

What the TPSMTS Team Has Learned Through Telehealth (Online) Lessons/Sessions

Tamara’s Piano Studio and Music Therapy Services (TPSMTS) has now been conducting Telehealth/Online lessons and sessions amidst these extraordinary times for 8 weeks now.

Our teachers and therapists have learned many new skills and dedicated time to furthering our techniques through this process!


1. Our students and clients continue to focus.

There have been many students/clients that we initially thought moving to Telehealth lessons/sessions would be difficult for. Despite our initial reservations, we have found that students/clients we thought may struggle have been doing quite well! We have found that some of our students/clients are actually focusing better with Telehealth lessons/sessions!

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Transitioning to Telehealth (Online) Music Lessons/Music Therapy Sessions

Providing a sense of normalcy and routine in uncertain times.

Written by Gabriella Serruya


During these extraordinary times, many businesses and services have unfortunately been halted or cancelled. This affects our daily routines, but not as much as it does for the children we work with.

We know that most children with developmental delays strive on having normalcy and routine with their activities, and not being able to go to school or have regular services throws a wrench in their growth and development.

Many services have moved to an online or virtual platform to continue providing services, and TPSMTS has done this as well. While Telehealth lessons/sessions will not have the same impact and effect as in-person lessons/sessions, they still have many benefits.


During this uncertainty in most parts of our lives, the thing that TPSMTS been able to keep consistent is our music lessons/sessions through Telehealth (online) lessons/sessions.

Online lessons/sessions are giving students/clients a small element of routine in an otherwise crazy time.

Telehealth lessons/sessions are provided through a video chat application that allows for real-time interaction and (virtual) ‘face-to-face’ communication. Through the use of a Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) compliant platform, services can be provided in a safe, fun, and consistent manner.

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“I Can’t…Yet!”

Cultivating a growth mindset in music therapy and music education

Written by Yu Kwei Chan

A while back, I had the privilege of teaching a student who had given me a look while playing a difficult song and said, “wait, don’t help me, I can do it!” I was so impressed by the student’s willingness for independent learning that it made me rethink teaching approaches of not only music, but also of the mindset of my students.


So many times as a teacher, therapist, and caregiver, I have heard the words “I can’t,” “I don’t know,” or “I need help” after asking a question. Our desire for immediacy in answers and to “help” when people are in need can result in taking away a person’s ability to learn on problem solve on their own.

To combat this learned helplessness here are some phrases we can use to redirect and implement for not only the students, but also for ourselves when we are struggling with a task and doubting our abilities:

  • I don’t know right now, but I will be closer after I work on…
  • Please give me a minute to think about what should come next!
  • I’m confused about __________ (an exact point).
  • I know how to do ___________ but don’t know _________. The next step that makes the most sense is __________.
  • In the past when I didn’t know, one thing that worked for me was ___________.
  • I improve when I practice.
  • Let me try a different strategy.
  • “I can’t do it … yet!” and try again.
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Music Transcends Language

Ways that music narrows the distance between cultures

Written by Jane Hong

Music plays a big role in many people’s lives. From pop to classical music, everyone has their preferences.

Top music lists are no longer confined to songs in English, and often consist of popular songs from foreign countries. In many cases, people can enjoy songs in languages that they don’t understand themselves. This is a great example of how music transcends the boundaries of language.


Another example of how music transcends language is through translated songs. One of the most translated songs in the world is Amazing Grace. It has been translated into over 60 different languages including Zulu, Mandarin, Farsi, Filipino, and Arabic. Through these many translations, the meaning of the whole song is kept very similarly and faithful to the original that was first published in 1779.

Another song that has been translated many times is a very popular Christmas tune, Silent Night. It has been translated into over 100 different languages (originally in German as “Stille Nacht, Heilige Nacht”).

In addition, Happy Birthday To You has been identified by the Guinness World Record as the most recognized English song, and has been translated into more than 30 languages!

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Practicing and Intrinsic Motivation

Encouraging students to progress and grow in music lessons

Written by Tamara Leszner-Rovet

With the new year now upon us, it is a time for reflection and resolutions, including when it comes to music lessons. One aspect of music lessons that comes up frequently in conversation, especially at the beginning of a new term, is practicing.

In general, I have found that the key to long term progress, success, and enjoyment of playing an instrument is intrinsic motivation.


Intrinsic motivation refers to behaviour that is driven by internal rewards. The motivation to engage in a behaviour arises from within the individual because there are natural rewards associated with it. In other words, students practice because they want to progress (similar to playing sports, where there is a motivation to practice in order to develop the strength and skills to progress). In my experience, students who want to practice their instrument and continue to progress are the ones who reap the most benefits and rewards for themselves, and are more likely to continue lessons long-term.


Extrinsic motivation typically doesn’t work well as a long term solution. Rewards such as candy, toys, etc. may not be effective when it comes to music practicing. This is not to say that they won’t work in the short term, but often they satiate and eventually are no longer motivating. The point is that practicing equates to further progress, which is motivation in itself. While rewards may not be an optimal long-term way to motivate, positive reinforcement (strengthening an action with praising words, a pat on the back, performing for others, etc.) can help to further encourage growth and skills to develop intrinsic motivation.

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Reflecting on 2019

In the midst of the craziness of holidays and winter break and also just the natural chaos that happens as we wind down (or up!) in December, it seemed fitting to write another reflection post as 2019 was a big, big, big year for us at TPSMTS!

  1. In May, we had Jane join our TPSMTS team as a music therapist/teacher!
  2. We capped off our incredible 2018-2019 year with not three, but FOUR end-of-the-year party and recitals in June. This year, we’ll get to continue with that as our recitals grow in number and in talent!
  3. Right after recitals, we moved to our new studio! For our students, clients, and their families, thank you for being so incredible during this move and for making this transition a smooth one. We’re so excited to be in our new space and be able to provide even more services to you, including…
  4. We ran out first ever music group sessions this summer! Gabriella hosted for the first time and it was fantastic. It is our goal to offer more groups in 2020 — stay tuned!
  5. In August, two of our associates were promoted – Silvia as the Senior Music Therapist & Administrative Assistant and Gabriella as our Senior Music Teacher!
  6. We welcomed Yu Kwei as she joined the team as a new music therapist/teacher!
  7. September kicked off our 2019-2020 school year!
  8. Two of our associates became newly NMT certified, which means our entire music therapy team are all certified in Neurologic Music Therapy!
  9. We re-branded and gave our website a refresh!
  10. One of our social media posts went viral and reached over 170,000 people on Facebook. We also joined Instagram!
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Sharing the joy of music

How our music teachers and music therapists experience music with their students and clients

Written by Gabriella Serruya

I love my job!

Not everyone can say that, but I still can – even after 30 years! I consider all of my students as my “kids.” They and their families become a part of my extended family.


Every day, I have the privilege of seeing students of all ages and abilities experience music. It’s still a wonder after all this time. When that lightbulb of understanding comes on in a student, I know it’s a great day for both of us.


There are so many things that go into a great lesson. Sometimes it’s the lightbulb, but that doesn’t happen every week. Sometimes it’s the laugh we share, the hard work at the lesson, or the home practicing. I always enjoy the time we get to spend together making music.

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Real Lessons from Reality TV

How Kodi Lee continues to teach us…

Written by Yu Kwei Chan



Over the summer, you may have come across Kodi Lee and his achievement on America’s Got Talent (AGT) shared across the media. Kodi’s appearance on AGT highlights various lessons that we can all learn, especially in regards to how music helps and affects individuals with special needs.

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Music in Tonal Languages

How music works in different languages

Written by Jane Hong


Many people in the world speak tonal languages – where pitch contributes to the meaning of a word. Tone in these languages are phenomic, meaning that a change in pitch or pitch contour of a word can drastically change the meaning of a word. For example, in Cantonese, altering the tone of “mother” (maa1) will result in you calling her “grandma” (maa4) or “horse” (maa5).

Since pitch is also a main component of music, many people wonder what happens when the two intertwine.

For some tonal languages, such as Mandarin Chinese, the melody usually takes over and the 4 tones in the spoken language are ignored. Mandarin speakers should still be able to discern the meaning of the song by the pronunciation of the word without the tonal information. However, some words may still be confusing on rare occasions.

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