Celebrating Incredible Wins

A reflection of 2018…and looking forward to 2019.


With the new year just around the corner, this season is often coupled with a LOT of different feelings, ranging from happy holiday-loving cheer to anxiety-provoking planning of getting together with family and/or friends, or maybe you’re not the biggest fan of this season or you absolutely love snow!


Wherever you are on the feeling range, it goes without saying that we all know that soon, we will be saying goodbye to 2018 and hello to 2019! What a year it has been!

Looking back on 2018, I would love to share a few of what I would call some incredible wins at TPSMTS!

1. We had a pretty amazing 2017-2018 school year, finishing off with three jam-packed End-of-the-Year Party and Recitals (which leads to one of my points a little further down on this list).

2. In April, we welcomed two new associates! Both Theodora and Teppei bring their unique skillsets, talents and passions to the team!

3. Ryan Hui took on a new role as Full-Time Assistant Director in July!

4. We successfully hit the ground running in September with another new school year.

5. In October, we also welcomed another new associate – Brandon!

6. And…looking forward to the new year, we will be hosting not three, but FOUR End-of-the-Year Party and Recitals in June 2019!


As you reflect upon your year, I hope that you are able to identify not only areas of improvement or growth, but also the wins. It’s important to remember to celebrate the little victories!


For me, the turning over of the year usually comes with a lot of self-reflection:

How did the year go?

How do I feel with this year ending?

What do I hope to see in the new year?

What could a new year bring into my life?


For our clients/students and families of clients/students, maybe these questions sound more like this:

How have I been doing in lessons/sessions so far this year?

How else do I want to be challenged in the new year?

What do I hope to see in the new year?

What other things could be incorporated in my lessons/sessions to change things up in the new year?


If we’re going to think specifically music-related, maybe the questions go like this:

What new song/piece do I want to learn in the new year?

What new or different instrument would I be open to trying in the new year?

What songs/pieces would I like to start preparing for the End-of-the-Year Party and Recitals?


We hope that everyone stays safe, healthy, and joyful during the winter break!


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