Facing Stress with Humour
Finding a way to laugh in the middle of trying times…
Everyone deals and copes with stress differently.
While we previously explored a “Happy Playlist” to help promote positivity in our lives, most of us can agree that laughter is medicine. Humour draws people together in ways that trigger healthy physical and emotional changes in the body. Research shows that laughter strengthens your immune system, improves mood, relieves pain, and protects you from the damaging effects of stress.
While we aren’t making light of the events in the past year (and TPSMTS takes its’ health and safety procedures and protocols very seriously!), we can always try to find light in dark situations.
Here are some examples of songs that have taken on a completely different meaning today:
- All By Myself by Celine Dion
- Don’t Stand So Close To Me by The Police
- I Want To Hold Your Hand by The Beatles
- It’s The End of the World As We Know It by R.E.M.
- Yesterday by The Beatles
Some people has also taken upon themselves to create parodies of existing songs to fit the situation:
Social Distance (Parody of Go the Distance)
Lockdown Rhapsody (Parody of Bohemian Rhapsody)
In Quarantine (Parody of Under the Sea)
Staying Inside (Parody of Staying Alive)
Hello From the Inside (Parody of Hello)
For a final laugh, and something that the TPSMTS teachers/therapists “perform” multiple times a day, we have a live performance of the Coronavirus Etude on the piano.
Fun fact: The composer who created this video and piece is a spouse of a music therapist!
Coronavirus Etude by Jeff DePaoli
We wish you all continued health, safety, AND humour among these unpredictable times!