Transitioning to Telehealth (Online) Music Lessons/Music Therapy Sessions
Providing a sense of normalcy and routine in uncertain times.
Written by Gabriella Serruya
During these extraordinary times, many businesses and services have unfortunately been halted or cancelled. This affects our daily routines, but not as much as it does for the children we work with.
We know that most children with developmental delays strive on having normalcy and routine with their activities, and not being able to go to school or have regular services throws a wrench in their growth and development.
Many services have moved to an online or virtual platform to continue providing services, and TPSMTS has done this as well. While Telehealth lessons/sessions will not have the same impact and effect as in-person lessons/sessions, they still have many benefits.
During this uncertainty in most parts of our lives, the thing that TPSMTS been able to keep consistent is our music lessons/sessions through Telehealth (online) lessons/sessions.
Online lessons/sessions are giving students/clients a small element of routine in an otherwise crazy time.
Telehealth lessons/sessions are provided through a video chat application that allows for real-time interaction and (virtual) ‘face-to-face’ communication. Through the use of a Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) compliant platform, services can be provided in a safe, fun, and consistent manner.
As mentioned, one major benefit for Telehealth lessons/sessions is to create a sense of normalcy and maintaining a regular routine for students/clients that need it the most. One of the biggest contributors to growth and development is consistency of education and learning. Without a routine lesson/session, most students/clients will not progress in their studies or goals.
Telehealth lessons/sessions provide a platform to continue with an element of normalcy in uncertain times, while respecting the recommendations of social distancing.
On the other side of routine is the chance to try something new. Often times, many of our students/clients have a hard time approaching and attempting something new. Telehealth lessons/sessions provide a great opportunity to try something familiar in a different setting and on a different platform. With the right guidance and support, this can be a great way for students/clients to continue doing something they enjoy, while trying something outside their comfort zone.
Telehealth lessons/sessions also ensure that certain goals, that have made progress, do not regress due to lack of services. Many skills and abilities learned need to be maintained in order to create a foundation for future learning. Telehealth lessons/sessions provide the opportunity for maintenance of abilities and learned skills.
This online platform allows for students/clients to continue seeing their teacher/therapist and avoids regression in their progress.
From a teacher/therapist perspective, this has been a learning curve for us too! How do we keep students/clients engaged while not in the same room as them? Initially, there were worries about focus and teaching/providing lessons/sessions without being physically beside or in the same room as a student/client – it’s been much easier than we initially thought! So far, focus hasn’t been much of an an issue – in fact, some of our students/clients are focusing better! When focus difficulties do arise, it makes us as teachers/therapists use our creativity in a new way.
A questions that has been posted is how will our students/clients learn new songs? This has also been been less challenging than we originally thought. Students/clients are showing new independence when solving problems, like when they need to figure out what note comes next in a piece. They are using the tricks they know to decode the music in a way they weren’t in face to face lessons/sessions.
With all this being said, we understand that Telehealth lessons/sessions may not be for everyone. As mentioned before, these online services cannot replace what can be achieved in person, nor can we expect similar results on an online or virtual platform.
Something else to keep in mind is the lack of resources and equipment necessary for a lesson/ session at home. Certain students/clients learn best with specific tools or instruments. Looking at that potential, we can use this opportunity to get creative as well. Alternative sources for equipment and instruments can be found in most households and can be an avenue for adaptability and flexibility, such as using pots and pans with a wooden spoon for drums, using cereal boxes as shakers, etc.
Telehealth lessons/sessions can be a great way for our students/clients and their families to regain some control and normalcy in their uncertain schedules with everything going on.
We have some students/clients that are able to practice more now and are moving along at a much faster pace than they were before! We also have some students/clients where these lessons/sessions will be more maintenance of what they know rather than moving ahead. In either case, Telehealth lessons/sessions are proving to be worthwhile!
Although we do not know how much longer our social landscape will remain in lockdown, it is wise to remember that this is not a situation that will persist. We will eventually be allowed to return to our routines! In the meantime, it may be a great chance for you to ask more questions and get more information regarding Telehealth options for lessons/sessions. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions.
We admit that this isn’t our favourite way of providing lessons/sessions, as we would much prefer to be seeing our students/clients in-person! However, this has been and continues to be a good temporary measure to maintain a sense of normalcy, routine, and most importantly – music enjoyment – during these very unpredictable times.