Three Reasons to Continue Music Lessons/Sessions Over the Summer

Consistency, routine, and goals

Written by Tamara Leszner-Rovet

With spring now approaching, it is no better time to start thinking about the summer! While for many, thoughts of camp, days lounging by the pool or beach, and the warm weather indicate a break and pause from regular activities and therapies.


Here at TPSMTS, this is one of the best times for lessons/sessions, and thankfully we have many of our families who continue their lessons/sessions through the summer months!


Despite summer lessons/sessions being optional, we so strongly recommend that students/clients continue their lessons/sessions through the summer months for these reasons: 

1) Consistency

For many of our students/clients, consistency and familiar routine is key for daily functioning and to keep anxiety at ease. For those taking music lessons, it is so important for technique and consistency that lessons continue. When such immense progress is made over the school year, it is important that lessons/sessions continue through the summer months to maintain consistency. All too often, students/clients often forget what they have learned if they have taken a break over the summer months, and it is back to square one in the fall, having lost most of the progress they made in previous months. This is especially important for any student or client with any learning difficulties (cognitive, fine motor, etc.).


For those receiving Music Therapy, it is important to continue with therapeutic goals as again, breaks can cause a pause in progress.


2) Maintaining routine

For many of our students or clients, a break in routine can cause upset, outbursts, and a regression in progress. Maintaining routine is crucial for happy day-to-day functioning and ensure progress doesn’t stagnate.


3) Acceleration of progress and goals

Aside from the consistency mentioned above, the summer months are the perfect opportunity to progress and complete RCM exams. The pressure of school is off the table, and there is plenty of time to practice. Some families even choose to have more than one lesson/session per week to help accelerate this progress, as there is more flexibility and time for lessons/sessions!


Options for summer lessons/sessions

We offer flexible options throughout the summer months. Though we highly recommend regular, weekly lessons/sessions as are required during the school year, we allow all students/clients to pick and choose the weeks they would like to have lessons/sessions. This leaves flexibility for vacations, camps, etc., and even a few “check-ins” over the summer can make a huge difference when resuming lessons/sessions for the next school year.


For new students/clients, this is the only time of year we offer blocks of trial lessons/sessions. Trial lessons/sessions are perfect for any family who would like to try lessons/sessions first before committing to lessons/sessions for the remainder of the summer or for the next school year. Contact us to get signed up for trial lessons.



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